Saturday, June 14, 2014

President Christie

Unlike other so-called pundits, I am ready to make the call with a little over two years before the polls open in 2016. The next President of The United States will be Chris Christie, the governor of New Jersey.

Granted, it is a little bit early to be making such a predication. However, I need to remind you that on June 8, 2010 this blog published "You Read It Here First: President Romney" in which I said that Mitt Romney would be the Republican nominee and will become President. Hey, one out of two ain't bad. I also stated in my earlier blog, Alan's Alley, that Barack Obama could become President and that the press would be ginger with him. That was in the summer of 2006.  I think that's a pretty good track record.

There are many reasons why I think Christie will win the GOP nomination and the White House, despite the conventional wisdom that Hillary Clinton is some sort of shoo-in. She's not.

Here is the main reason.

The other night, Christie appeared on The Tonight Show and was in a skit called "The Evolution of Dad Dancing".  It had to be the first time, in recent memory, when a Republican appeared in a skit that was  good natured and cute. Christie seemed to be enjoying himself and showed he has a sense of humor. Can you imagine Ted Cruz doing this? Rand Paul?

More importantly, can you imagine Hillary Clinton doing this?  Can you imagine Clinton doing anything that resembles being an actual human being? She never seems authentic and real.

Hillary Trying To Look Like A Human Being

Clinton made news this week by claiming her and President Bill were "dead broke" when they left The White House. Things were so tight they had to share a bed (rim shot).

 This was her little way of trying to show that her and Billy-Boo were just like you middle class folks out there trying to make ends meet. The exception,of course, is that they made their money off of book deals and speeches. President Bill has made an estimated total of $100 million dollars since he left White House which is pretty good scratch for someone that doesn't throw a baseball.  She appeared about as middle class as Mrs. Howell on Gilligan's Island

Christie has some drawbacks but he can overcome them.

Christie is big as a barn. He is fat. He is rotund. He is two tons of fun.You would not want Christie to sit on your patio furniture. But, he's had "lap band" surgery ("Lap Band Surgery" would be a good name for a band) which is sometimes known as "stomach stapling" although there are no staples. The point is at least Christie is trying to do something about his weight. Chris Matthews always says that America elects somebody who is different from the last guy.  Bush was the cowboy who went with his gut while Obama is this string bean who writes a term paper.  I  think America, who is really into NOT being prejudice against anything, except fatness, may excuse his lardiness especially if it seems he can get things done.

Christie can appear to be a bully, which is almost as bad as being fat. However, a lot of this could be explained because Christie is a leader. He is not going to "lead from behind". Also, he's from New Jersey and that's just the way they are up there. Obama, after all, was only an "organizer" of a "community" and never really led anything before he became President. It is showing up big time now.

I know "Bridgegate" is a big deal because it looks so punitive. As President, Christie might use the IRS against his political opponents. Wait. I think that has been done.

Most of the "bully" comments about Christie are coming from the Left, but really, the Left is the side interested in making sure certain people don't speak on college campuses. The Left is the side taking bakers and photographers to court over refusing to participate in same sex marriage ceremonies. The Left is the side combing through campaign contribution records to see who has contributed to what campaign and then if the campaign is not to their liking, raise such a big stink that it causes people to lose their jobs.

Christie is more moderate than a lot of the Republican base. However, the base has to remember The Inez Principle. This is my voting principle named after my mother. When I was in eighth grade I asked my mother who she was going to vote for, she said "I'm going to hold my nose and vote for Nixon".  My prediction is that the base will hold its nose and vote for Christie. 

There are other candidates, but none of them have the power of Christie. Jeb Bush has the wrong name. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz just make bad first impressions and most people have never heard of any of the rest. (Really, Mike Pence? Quick tell me where he's from.)

Now having said all of that, this is not an endorsement of Christie. This doesn't mean I will be right. I may be as wrong as Hogan's goat. I'm not Nostradamus.

"I knew Alan was going to mention me in this post"


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