Sunday, October 20, 2019

Shut Up

Recently, the retired great radio man Don Imus posted the following tweet, which I have censored because I want to get into heaven.

"SHUT THE (Blank) UP 

 Joe Biden

LeBron James  

Every (blank) on CNN

Blubber (blank)  (This is what the I-man calls President Trump)

The two (blanks) in the Sonic Burger spots

The perv with the goatee on the golf channel

Donald Trump, Jr. 

Hillary Clinton holy (blank) the world is begging you, SHUT the (blank) UP GIRL!


Even with the crassness and vulgarity of it, I agree with this tweet.

Joe Biden.  Look does anyone really knows what Joe Biden is talking about?  When he's not glorifying in his personal Quid Pro Quo, he's talking about "Corn Pop" and how he (Corn Pop, not Joe Biden) was a "Bad Dude".  He's too old to be the President of the Chamber of Commerce, much less of the United States.

LeBron James.  The greatest basketball player in history got his feelings hurt when an Ivy Leaguer told him to "Shut up and dribble". So he read a book. Maybe.  Just being the greatest basketball player in history wasn't enough for LBJ.  No, he had to be a SPOKESMAN for JUSTICE.  Except when it came to China.  Then he was all, hey, everybody, stay in your lane. Meanwhile, live people are having their organs harvested in China.

Every  (blank) on CNN.  Lord, what has happened to this network? If it wasn't for airports, would it still be on the air?

Blubber (blank).  How many times have you heard someone say, "I wish President Trump would stay off of Twitter"  or "I wish President Trump wouldn't talk so much"?  It would probably be in the millions.  For every time he says something that makes sense, he'll say ten things which are totally whacked.  Please, Mr. President. Less is more.

The two (blanks) in the Sonic Burger spots.  I sort of disagree with The I-man on this one.  In case you don't know, Sonic is a drive-in and their commercials feature two guys. One sensible, the other mildly mentally challenged.  Some of the commercials are funny, but it is weird that two guys go to a Sonic without their wives or girl friends and then talk about what they just ate.

The perv with the goatee on the Golf  Channel.   I don't watch The Golf Channel but if Imus says the man with the goatee is a perv, I believe him.

Donald Trump, Jr.   Talk about the apple not falling far from the tree. This guy is every '80's movie jerk cliche rolled into one person. He's been dating Kimberly Guilfoyle for a couple of years now, so he shouldn't have any complaints.

Hillary Clinton.  This is a no brainer. I've always thought Mrs. Clinton was one of the most overrated people of my lifetime.  She's never had an original thought except let's marry this hick and ride his coat-tails despite his horn-dog ways.  Everything is always somebody else's fault.  On top of this, she lies like a rug.  Her latest is this dust-up with Tulsi Gabbard. Clinton said Gabbard is a being used by the Russians. Clinton didn't even offer up a dossier like she had somebody write up about Trump. No, our gal Hillary just blurts out an assertion because, hey, she's Hillary Clinton and that's what she does.

Rudy.  How the mighty has fallen.  Rudy Giuliani cleaned up New York City and was the brave mayor during 9/11.  Now, he's just another attorney.

Here's a couple more I want to add to The I-man's list.

Elizabeth Warren. The 2020 election cycle hasn't even kicked it into second gear and I'm already tired of her.  She's a big phony. Sure, she thinks taxing "wealth" is a great idea.  You will be surprised how many people a Warren administration will consider wealthy.

Bernie Sanders.  Look, it was kind of funny when it seemed like he was really Larry David.  Now he is just some old man complaining about his soup.

Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez.  Here's the truth. You are cute but nobody is impressed that you have read a book (see James, LeBron).

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