Wednesday, July 2, 2014

24 Recap Hour 10

Previously on "24" turns out The President didn't go boom after all. However, Jack made sure Mommie Dearest and The Kid She Liked Best  went splat. Jack took "The Device" to CIA Headquarters, which in turn was stolen by Benjamin Bratt who can outrun Jack. Chloe shows she is not above giving The Head Nerd some smacky face. This scene occurred after she did something that nobody has ever done in the history of  "24"-go to the bathroom. (Note: one of my readers  theorized that Chloe was buying some, er, protection. Ew.)

Benjamin Bratt calls The Head Nerd to set up a time and place for the exchange of "The Device". Chloe over hears this and appears to be upset. Or she just appears to be Chloe, it is kind of hard to tell with her.

Benjamin Bratt has only one problem. JACK BAUER. Bauer sees Benjamin Bratt and begins to chase him. Bratt somehow beats up a random military guy that just happened to be standing around, takes his machine gun and sprays bullets in Jack's general direction.  Of course, he hits only several strategically placed beer kegs.  [Note: No actual beer kegs were harmed in the making of this scene.]

Bratt  exchanges "The Device" with The Head Nerd. He is then captured by Jack and some CIA second shift guys. Jack lets those guys arrest Benjamin Bratt while he chases The Head Nerd and Chloe into the subway, which so far this season, is the only thing Jack hasn't been able to conquer.

Meanwhile, The Hot CIA Agent (HCA) learns that it was Benjamin Bratt who framed her husband and Roger Rabbit (that joke never gets old). We also learn the Mr. HCA hung himself, which means HCA is single, yeah come on!

Since Benjamin Bratt was arrested, the new chief of The London office of The Central Intelligence Agency is New Jack. New Jack wants to use "enhanced interrogation techniques"  on Benjamin Bratt. Jack Bauer wants to use "Jack Bauer Techniques" on Benjamin Bratt which may/may not include decapitation.  HCA wants a piece of Benjamin Bratt too and soon we are treated to the sight of Jack breaking Benjamin Bratt's hand and HCA totally  freaking out. New Jack wished he used a PTO day.

Back at the London White House, President Roseland Capital is mixing up the medicine and thinking about the government with his B-O-O-Z-E. Of course, he is caught by Audrey, who has apparently forgotten how to button her blouse. President Capital is still serious about resigning from office and doing a reverse mortgage on his home.

Mr. Audrey and Audrey have a spat about YOU KNOW WHO. Audrey apparently still has "feelings" and still "likes" Jack and would consider being "friends" with Jack, if you know, things worked out. Of course, Mr. Audrey has plans to hand Jack over to the Russians along with "The Moose and Squirrel" (that joke never gets old either).

HCA goes total Looney Tunes on Benjamin Bratt and he reveals that he put a tracking device on "The Device" and gives up the code for the tracking device and badda-bing-badda-boom, soon Jack and HCA are driving off to find the device.

During their drive, HCA tells Jack it was Benjamin Bratt that framed her husband and Roger Rabbit. He hung himself because he realized that HCA didn't believe in his innocence. Jack told her about his long lost and dead love, Agent Freckles, who had a rocking hot body and was clinically insane. Jack then broke out into the song "Let It Go", which is the first time a musical number has ever been performed on 24.

Chloe is beginning to have second thoughts about doing the Honolulu Hula with The Head Nerd. She tried to run away but he pulled a gun on her. This upsets Chloe, we think,  but it is hard to tell sometimes.

Speaking of mood killers, when The Head Nerd and Chloe get to the new Nerd Central, they find all of nerds dead, including the one that kind of looked like Winnie on The Wonder Years. Suddenly Cheng walks in which would have been really dramatic if I had remembered who he was.

Here's the problem. Cheng hired The Head Nerd to create "The Device". He didn't like the end product and when The Head Nerd wouldn't honor the warranty, he shot The Head Nerd in the  This upsets Chloe. We think. It is hard to tell sometimes.

While in route to The New Nerd Central, Jack's SUV is t-boned by a Russian truck and they begin shooting machine guns at Jack and HCA. Jack and HCA evade machine gun fire by running.

Cheng's big plan. He used "The Device" to send a message to a nuclear sub. "ATTENTION NUKLEAR SUBMARHINE. THIS IS YOUR PWESIDENT. PWEASE FARWE YOUR TOPEDOES AT THE CHINESE SHIP THAT YARE WOOKING AT."  The submarine fires two torpedoes at a the Chinese ship, blowing it up. This upsets Chloe. We thinkIt is hard to tell sometimes.

Discussion Questions

1) Do you think Chloe will ever have sex again? I don't.

2) What song would you like to hear Jack sing?

3) Did you remember Cheng? I hadn't seen him since 2006.

4) Agent Freckles or HCA?

5) Don't you think Jack runs like one of The Three Stooges?

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