Friday, September 9, 2022

This Week's Picks Week Two


Here at Picks Central, a major event was announced.

Mrs. Picks and I are on deck to become grandparents in March of 2023.

My son and daughter-in-law told us before the Fourth of July and asked us not to post it on social media until they posted it. 

Young people are always telling us old folks about what we can and cannot put on social media. Of course, we can't help it if we think our social network needs to know what we had for lunch.

Some of us went forty-some-odd years without documenting our eating habits or how the knucklehead parked at the grocery store.

So, yes, there will be a baby around Picks Central. The baby is a boy, which means the Manis name will live on. 

There has been some discussion on our "grandparent's name."   In the old days, we called our grandmother "grandmother" and our grandfather "grandfather" like heathens. Now they go by names like "Pop Wop", "Moogie-Woogie",  "Pap-Poo-Paw",  "Sexy Granny", or whatever.

I figure the baby will eventually call us what he want to call us.

This Week's Picks



Dawgs vs Baptist Dawgs- UGA showed no mercy on The Ducks of Oregon. However, this is one of those games in which the Big Honkin' school takes on a smaller school for a beating and gives the smaller school some money.  Hey, Samford beat My Beloved Owls last week. Can they beat Georgia?  No.  Georgia wins.



Wrecked vs Directional Carolina University Tech takes on Western Carolina this week, which promises to be one of Coach Geoff's wins this year. They better, or there will be some buzzing bees Sunday morning.    Tech wins.




Bamy vs Texsass: Bama travels to Austin to play Texas. In another world, far, far away,  this would have been a monster game.  I just don't see it.  I think Bama will hook the horns.  Bama wins.



Jawja Suthern vs Huskers Of Corn: As you may remember, my son is a graduate of Georgia Southern University (Motto:  Hey y'all, watch this!) and I used to include the Eagles in my weekly picks. The Eagles have had some off years lately.  They had a coach last year I thought would be the next great Georgia Southern coach.   It turns out he wasn't. The players ran wild, including one that drank a beer on top of a moving school bus. (You had to be there)  There's a new head coach at Georgia Southern: Clay Helton. If that name sounds familiar to you, he was the Head Coach at The University of Southern California.  That's a pretty big deal. I wonder how he convinced his wife to move to Statesboro.   The Eagles will play Nebraska, which is a big deal, or it was a big deal. Nebraska has hit hard times and there's a lot of chirping from their fans.  If the Eagles can manage to win, the Cornhuskers will run Scott Frost out of Lincoln.   I'm too chicken. Cornhuskers win.



My Beloved Owls vs Skyline Chili University-My Beloved Owls were beaten by the Baptist Dawgs of Samford last week.  Now, they have to go to Cincinnatti and play the Bearcats.  As Lewis Grizzard once told me, "Hey, Shorty, would you move" "Never pick with your heart" or something like that. It was almost forty years ago. I'm going to be a grandfather and I have a fixed income.   Bearcats win.

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