Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Real Scarlet Letter

Current GOP Presidential Heavyweight, Chris Jellybelly Christie, is in BIG trouble over a traffic jam. In fact, if Christie ordered the lane closures at The George Washington Bridge last September, it could turn his Presidential hopes from "Most Likely" to Fat Chance.

I don't know if Christie ordered the Bridge lane closures to punish the Mayor of Fort Lee, New Jersey. I'm not saying I want a President that acts like that or creates a culture in his administration that would encourage punishing political opponents. A President Christie could use the IRS to harass and discourage his political opponents and that would be wrong. Oh wait.

I am disappointed in the News Media, but not surprised. The News Media Muckety-Mucks have decided that Secretary Senator Former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton is destined to become the next President despite handling a real crisis like Benghazi as if she was all Three Stooges rolled into one Secretary of State. The New York Times is telling us that not only Clinton should be the next President, but she will  be the next President. Resistance is futile not to mention sexist.

While I wouldn't say this isn't an important story, I'm not sure how important it is to anyone who doesn't live in the New York/New Jersey area or doesn't compulsively think about the 2016 Presidential election.  What is important is that it continues to confirm what I have been thinking for most of my life. The News Media has one set of rules for Democrats and another set of rules for Republicans.

Back in 1991, we were introduced to Clarence Thomas who President Dad Bush nominated for The Supreme Court. Democrats, led by Senator Edward Where's Mary Jo? Kennedy, fought against The Thomas nomination saying Judge Thomas had sexually harassed women. Let that sink in for a moment.

There was a woman, Anita Hill, a brave and forthright professional who claimed that she: A) Heard Thomas use the phrase "Pubic Hair" in front of her and B) she saw a Playboy magazine in his apartment. This caused the news media to catch the vapors. Imagine a single man having a Playboy magazine! You know he didn't read it for the articles! There was something obviously wrong with the man even though we had been told through popular culture that a magazine featuring nude women in pictorial essays was acceptable as long as there was an interview with Issac Asimov or an article about improving your stereo system in it.

Somehow, Clarence Thomas was confirmed and he's been a Supreme Court Justice of over twenty years. The Republic still stands. However, the next year Democrats nominate for President a man that used state employees to troll for women.They would bring these lucky gals to meet Gov. Bill Clinton in his hotel room. Somehow, these visits always included the most powerful man in Arkansas (and soon the world) having his pants drop on the floor while asking these women for their assessment of his lieutenant governor.

One of lucky gals to meet Bill Clinton was Paula Jones, who we got to know so much better later on in the 90's.  You would think the party of "women's rights" would rally around this middle class woman when she was being harassed by Clinton. They had a duck fit over Clarence Thomas saying "Pubic Hair" in front of a woman and owning a  Playboy.  No, the most telling remark came from President Clinton's right hand man, James Carville who said, "Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find." The Democratic Party: the party of the little man or woman, unless you live in a trailer park.

I won't rehash the late 90's for you, except to say there were a lot of interesting debates about the meaning of words (for example: "is") and the amazing proclamation that a particular sexual act isn't really sex. The main point is that the news media treated the Thomas hearings and the Clinton scandals differently .  Thomas was guilty, no matter what, because he was somehow associated with the real scarlet letter: "R" (Republicans).  Clinton was different and was very charismatic (Really? He always reminded me of a softer Biff from Back To The Future) because he had a better letter: "D" (Democrats)

Despite being whale-like, Gov. Christie is popular with the mainstream press because he has an over sized personality. The New York Times generally concedes that most Republican politicians are carbon based life forms, but that's about it. Christie is good copy. The last Republican that got great copy was John McCain. When he clinched the Republican nomination in 2008, those defenders of the Republic, The New York Times, breathlessly published a report of how McCain was fooling around with a woman that was not his wife. That's what having the letter "R" by your name gets you.

Just a little bit of advice for Gov Christie. If you run for President, you better buy an asbestos suit, XXL.

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