Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Full Disclosure

In the paper of record for Cobb County, The Marietta Daily Journal, we have a vigilant member of the fourth estate that keeps its watchful eye over the Cobb County Board Of Education. In fact, sometimes the paper reads like “The Board of Education News”.

Recently there has been a bit of a dustup concerning columnist Dick Yarbrough. He wrote a column, published in the September 26, 2009 edition in which he commented on Dr John Crooks and the Cell Phone Tower at East Valley Elementary School. Here it is for your pleasure:

Then a Mr. James Ney wrote a letter to the editor complaining about the article. Read it for yourself. http://www.mdjonline.com/pages/full_story/push?article-Yarbrough+column+almost+sacrilegious%20&id=3744891

Which lead to this letter from a Ms Virginia Gregory.


Just in case you don’t want to read it, Mr. Ney felt that Mr. Yarbrough's column was almost sacrarelgious. Instead of dealing with this question, Ms. Gregory went straight for the jugular of Mr. Ney exposing that he, dah-dah-dun, is an attorney whose firm, gasp, works on CELL PHONE LEASES.

But what I thought was interesting about Ms. Gregory’s letter was her insistence that writers of letters to the editor in a small news daily provide a small biography so the writers do not unethically try to sway public opinion. After a couple of paragraphs about how ethical she is, she states:

“Full disclosure is a central tenant of ethical behavior in the financial industry. If only it were enforced more often, we would all live in a wealthier, better governed society. If a person is caught "talking their book" (pushing an agenda in which he holds a pecuniary interest) without disclosing that interest, the regulators (FINRA) rightly go after that person's license. Businesses profiting from relationships with the government and elected officials ought to disclose that relationship first, then offer opinions.”

Yes, if it were only enforced more often in the Letters to the Editor section of the Marietta Daily Journal, we would be richer and much better governed.

Despite Ms.Gregory’s ad hominen attack on Mr. Ney , I began thinking that I should make a full disclosure in case I have the urge to write the Marietta Daily Journal a letter to the editor about a cell phone tower on Lower Roswell Road.

First, I am a Deacon at Roswell Street Baptist Church, where John Crooks serves on staff. I have had nothing but pleasant dealings with him but you have to remember that RSBC is a mega church. So I’m not in constant contact with him. It’s not like I’m Howard Borden bopping in on Bob and Emily every night.

Second, I own a cell phone. Third my in-laws live near East Valley. Fourth, I went to East Valley (once hit a triple in recess. Boo-yah!) and think it would really stink if I was stuck in a building that had asbestos in it. I mean, play on a play ground that had all of these cell phone rays around ready to fry me. Fifth, I am a father and I wouldn’t want my son to fry under the cell phone rays. Although, now that he’s in college, I wished he’d shave more.

Anyway, I really do not know enough about the East Valley Cell Phone Tower issue that would prevent me from not having my tires slashed; however, I do think it is a lot ask people to give a full biography when they write a letter to the freaking editor.

What if I just want to write to say hey? “Dear Editor, Alan here, the deacon at Roswell Street Baptist where John Crooks serves. Saw him yesterday getting a cup of coffee. Say, what is going on with Funky Winkerbean? Years ago it was about a kid in high school. Now it is about everybody getting cancer and not having arms."

What if I want to comment on an Around Town column?

“Dear Editor,

As an alumnus from East Valley Elementary School with a cell phone in his pocket, I can confirm I saw Philip Goldstein. He must be up to something.”

I’m beginning to understand why nobody ever asks my opinion on major school board issues.

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