Sunday, September 6, 2020

Ready. Set. Go.


Labor Day is the traditional start of the actual Presidential election contest.  Everything that happened before is sort of like "pre-season".  Now everything counts and everything is important.

However, this race has been in limbo since March, when Biden took control of the Democratic primaries and Covid essentially shut the nation down and we've been in a medically induced depression.

We are presented with two very, very, very, very, very, very, very flawed candidates. It reminds me of the great quote from Woody Allen:  "We stand at a crossroad. One path leads to despair and total hopelessness. The other leads to total extinction. Let us hope we have the wisdom to make the right choice." 

Let's be honest, for a second. This is the most divided I've seen this country since I was in elementary school.  That was in the 60's and the 70's.   One half of the country openly hates the other half of the country.  Hate is strong word, but I can't think of another.

What motivates a young person to jump in front of an elderly couple, scream at them, and flip them off with a double bird?  It's not the love of Jesus.

What motivates a teenager, not even a legal adult, to drive to another city to play "Batman" and kill two other people?  Again, it's not the love of Jesus.

Does anybody really think Trump can unite us?  No.  He is too tribal and mean. He never forgives a slight, real or imagined.  Every time we thought he might do something good, he hops on Twitter and that moment is gone.  

Does anybody really think Biden can unite us?  No.  Biden is an empty suit, just willing to give the loud Progressive base anything they want so he can finally win the prize he's desperately wanted since he ruined Robert Bork's reputation for renting "Repo Man".

We have one side that balks at putting on a mask to walk into a store.  A big scene is created and there are people with their trusty phones to document this person make a fool out of himself. No, it is not an isolated event. It represents ALL MAGA PEOPLE and is the reason COVID-19 is still with us.

We have another side that cannot condemn riots and looting.  It's just property!  They have insurance! 

Can you imagine Bill Clinton facing questions about riots and looting?  He would have condemned them within the first day, if not within the first hour.  That's what made him such a difficult opponent for Republicans.

New flash:  you can still be against excessive force by the police and be against riots and looting. It's not mutually exclusive.

But Biden took his sweet time and now even CNN (CNN!) is saying Biden should focus on law and order. You know, because of focus groups. 

Trump will exploit that and he will paint Biden as weak.  

I wonder what's going to happen after the election.

If the election is like Bush vs Gore, that is a nightmare scenario.Of course, the news channels would love it because they love seeing us at each other's throats.

The best case would be one or the other wins outright. 

I'm pretty sure Trump cannot win the popular vote simply due to New York and California.  But, he can, if everything falls into place, eke out another Electoral College win like last time.

However, this might cause another wave of "resistance" that was so much fun the last time. This time, it may be violent. We are seeing the glorious result of the lack of high school Civics education and manners taught in the home.

If Biden wins, you will see the orgasm of orgasms in the media. It will make the deli scene in "When Harry Met Sally" look like vespers. 

Then you will see a legislative agenda that will include packing the Supreme Court, Medicare For All, and The Green New Deal.  In other words, every stupid idea of the past 90 years will be on the table. 

There has been some question if Trump would accept the outcome. If he loses, he has no choice. But, will he be gracious?  Of course he will, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

I can just see a Trump tweeting during the inauguration: "Sleepy President Slow Joe is giving the dullest speech since they invented the word "dull". Snooze"  and "My inauguration had more people in attendance but the FAKE NEWS won't tell you that. Sad."

Buckle up everybody, it is going to be a wild ride. 



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