Wednesday, March 15, 2017

No Offense

"Comedy is not pretty" ~ Steve Martin

This may be seven and half years too late, but today is a good time when I open up to my readers and explain what I write and why I write.

Simply put: I write about what I want to write about and I want to get laughs. Nothing more, nothing less.

Sure, there have been times when I've commented on a big topic and I want to be taken seriously, but mainly I try to be as funny as possible with the little talent I have.  I am fully aware that nobody 50 years from now will give a hoot about my opinions. In fact, I should amend it to read nobody 50 minutes from now will give a hoot about my opinions.

You know what? That's okay with me. I only wish other people thought the same way.

I'm not sure what it is, but people seem to take offense to everything.  On top of that, it becomes their job to let you know what you've written is wrong and immoral.

Here's the way I look at it.

It is okay to have a different opinion than I do. That's what makes the world go around. As the cardiologist said, "Different strokes for different folks".  (Lord, I apologize.)

Take, for example, this cartoon:

I don't find this cartoon offensive. In fact, I think the shaming look the frog gives to the lady makes it humorous. The people in the background give it the "oh, I didn't know that's where frog legs come from" look that helps the cartoon.

I had a professor in college who was highly offended by this cartoon. He said it made light of people with disabilities.  It does not. At its very worst, the cartoon makes fun of frogs with disabilities.

But, hey, if you think this cartoon is offensive, then I can't convince you otherwise.  I think you may be a wee bit sensitive, particularly about amphibians.  But mainly, I think you need to heed the instruction of Sergeant Hulka:  "Lighten up, Francis". No frogs were harmed in the publishing of this cartoon.

Recently, Samantha Bee got in trouble with a bit she did on her show where she was commenting on young men with "Nazi Hair".  You know, since the election of President Orange, the whole country has turned into Berlin circa 1936 except for our brave late night comedians.

It turns out one of the young men with "Nazi Hair" was a kid who has brain cancer. On top of that, he was a "Never Trumper".

I find this rich since Bee practices "Jon Stewart Satire" ("Everybody is stupid and dumb except for people who think like I do").  That, to me, is offensive because it shows no self-awareness and it is plain mean spirited.

That's my point. I never try to write anything mean spirited.  I never write out of spite trying to stick it to whoever I want stuck. It is not my job to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable". I just write what I see, hear, and think.

I have made fun of Baptists (which I am one), married men (which I am one), and Southerners (which I am one).  I have made fun of some self-important people (including one columnist who made light of someone's first name when the columnist has the worst first name a man can be given), Republicans, and Democrats.  I try to make fun of everyone because everyone has their foibles and that's the essence of humor.

Having said all that, I am not perfect. Something may sound funny to me and it may come out offensive.  Lord knows I have made comments that I later regretted when I saw the other person's point of view.

However, the intention has never been to hurt anyone or to put somebody in their place. That's just not me.

So, if I write anything you don't like, it is okay to tell me. After thinking about it, I may just agree with you and write an apology.  Or I may not.

 I think we'll both live.

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