Tuesday, December 29, 2015

2015: Forget About It.

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old lang syne?

2015 is an old acquaintance that should be forgotten and never brought to mind. Any year that begins with the death of Ellie Mae Clampett deserves to the forgotten.

Speaking of forgotten, does anyone remember who won a Grammy this year? Or who was even nominated?

Does anyone remember why records, pardon me, vinyls, became obsolete in the first place?

Remember the 2015 Super Bowl? Sure you do. Tom Brady and his deflated balls, ha, ha.  The Patriots won by the way.

Remember that great commercial during the Super Bowl from Nationwide Insurance about a child dying? I'd rather seen Peyton Manning humming their jingle for a minute.

How about The World Series? Remember that? It was just a couple of weeks ago. It was won by Kansas City.  I think Golden State won the NBA championship but that was a long time ago.

Does anyone remember Scott Walker?  He's the governor of Wisconsin and was supposed to be the acceptable candidate to the both The Establishment wing and the Tea Party wing of the Republican Party.  That didn't quite happen.

Does anyone remember an excuse Hillary Clinton has ever given that sounded plausible?

Have we all forgotten about David Letterman? How about Jon Stewart ( I know I have.)

Remember when "Mad Men" was the best TV show ever? Then, like time, it marched on to the 70's and featured Roger Sterling with a goofy mustache.

Does anyone remember a time when Donald Trump was not mentioned on the news? Or on the phone giving an interview? Or saying anything that was not ludicrous from the get-go? ("You can get bacon from a cow. It is called Cow Bacon and it is fabulous and it going to be the next big thing. Oh look, I just increased my lead in the latest Wartburg College poll of Iowans who have heard of Donald  Trump. Look Jeb Bush is now at a minus eight in popularity. That's because he is a loser and has an irregular menstrual cycle.  I saw Carly Fiorina naked on a rooftop in Jersey City celebrating 9/11 with a bunch of Mooslem Mexicans here illegally. I didn't even check out her breasticles because I couldn't get over her face. Anyway, that's why I want to make America great again.")

Does anyone remember when Ben Carson was celebrated as a skilled brain surgeon instead of portrayed as a sleepy weirdo because of his opinions on Egyptian pyramids?

Does anyone remember a time when you didn't think of Larry David when you saw Bernie Sanders?

Does anyone remember when it was at least chilly at Christmas time?

Does anyone remember exactly why they voted for President Obama?

Does anyone remember a time when people didn't try to win every  discussion or disagreement? Or a time in which you were not called a "bigot", "racist", "homophobe" et.al for having an opinion that the President of the United States had in 2008?

Let's not remember those times. Instead, let's remember the family of the victims of the church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina telling the killer, not even 48 hours afterward, that they forgave him.

Let's remember my buddy, Wayne Clancy, who went way out of his way to show high school kids that all of them was worth something to somebody.

Two personal things I will always remember. My son married his  college sweetheart. My wife and I became "empty nesters" which is great for reasons I won't go into because it makes my younger readers sick.

The second was a call from my wife saying the bone lesion on her vertebrae was benign. You never forget something like that.

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