Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rush To Judgement

I think I am the only person in the world that was not horrified, simply horrified, that Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke “a slut”.

It is not that I’m in favor of calling people names, unless, of course, they are the former governor of Alaska. Then it is okay to use all of the names possible, preferably gynecological in nature.

Sandra Fluke is a “third year” Georgetown University Law School student who gave a faux testimony to Congressional Democrats about how hard it is (that’s what she said) to go to law school and buy birth control pills. Georgetown University is a Catholic university and their “insurance” plan does not cover contraceptives. As we all know, contraceptives can run into the tens of dollars.

In case you are not aware, Rush Limbaugh is a radio talk show host that Democrats have been trying to cancel for years because he says things Democrats do not like. Limbaugh, who is not the most delicate of creatures, was reviewing Fluke’s testimony and that’s when the “S” word hit the fan.

In political discussions, one is not supposed to call someone else a “slut”. Especially if that other someone is a Democrat, who upon hearing that word, had a sudden case of the vapors. Radio advertisers became a little bit skittish, believing their products would be associated with a mean fat man. This caused Limbaugh to issue a lame apology that was not accepted by Ms. Fluke because as it turns out, Ms. Fluke is a thirty year old Democrat activist that happens to be third year law student which is a pretty good gig if you can get it despite the bummer on the birth control pills.

Birth control pills first became available to the public in 1960. Since then, the Catholic Church has opposed birth control pills. It has been in all of the papers. Since Georgetown University is a Catholic University, they are opposed to birth control pills. The Obama Administration for some odd reason wants to pick fights with the Catholic Church (But they do not pick fights with Islam. Muslims kill people. A Catholic will write a strongly worded letter)

Nobody is forcing Fluke to go a law school that is associated with the Catholic Church. There are 199 other ABA approved law schools in this country. Surely there is one that carries insurance that pays for oral contraceptives. It could be a great marketing tool. “The Kennesaw State School Of Law will not only provide you was a great legal education, we will make sure that not a dime of out of your pocket will go to prevent a legal boo-boo (Latin term: Boomus Boomum)."

Somehow in the grand and glorious history of the United States, we have found a way to become the greatest country on earth without paying for somebody else’s contraceptives. It is simply odd that at a time of great unemployment, incredible debt, and a Nuclear Iran that we are even talking about this subject.

But we are because if you have the record the Democrats have you want to change the subject as quickly as possible. You have to scare people into thinking that Rick Santorum will make a frowny face at you when you pick up your prescription at Walgreens.

Mark Steyn said “The most basic issue here is not religious morality, individual liberty or fiscal responsibility. It's that a society in which middle-age children of privilege testify before the most powerful figures in the land to demand state-enforced funding for their sex lives at a time when their government owes more money than anyone has ever owed in the history of the planet is quite simply nuts.”

Rush Limbaugh should not have called Sandra Fluke a slut. He should have called her a nut.

**Before anybody asks, my schedule does not allow me time to listen to “The Rush Limbaugh Show”. But no, he does not deserve to be removed from AM radio stations any more than Bill Maher deserves to be removed from HBO for calling Sarah Palin a word that rhymes with “bunt”.

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