Sunday, April 2, 2023

The Venn Diagram Of Trump



 If there was a Venn diagram of Trump and his 2024 Presidential candidacy, it would look like this:

The first circle would be Trump himself.  If there's one thing Donald Trump likes to talk about,  it is Donald Trump. The boy loves himself, that's for sure.  If he lost the nomination in 2024, I'm sure he'd run again in 2028.  He likes seeing himself on TV and having his name on everybody's tongue.

The second circle would be the MAGA people. These people love Trump almost as much as Trump loves himself. Trump does no wrong except when he listens to "RINOs."  

For example, The New York Young Republicans issued this statement when Trump was indicted by the New York District Attorney for the reason that Trump paid blackmail money to a horseface porn star:

“President Trump embodies the American people—our psyche from id to super-ego—as does no other figure; his soul is totally bonded with our core values and emotions, and he is our total and indisputable champion. This tremendous connection threatens the established order,” The fix has always been ‘in’ against our President, but his motivation and love for the American people drove him to pursue the national excellence that his unique vision perceived lay within our reach. In doing so, he opened so many eyes to reality.”

 Geez, guys. Get a room.

 As much as I like lower gas prices, higher wages, and a conservative Supreme Court, I don't think Trump "embodies the American people" unless skipping the draft, marrying three times, and swearing like a sailor is part of our core values.   

They say Trump is for the "liddle guy."  The guy the hooty-snooty news media do not like because he doesn't need a biologist to define what a woman is.  Trump took on all of the "Swamp Creatures", both the Democratic and Republican (RINOS!) and beat them.  He ran circles around them, and they never knew what hit them.

The third circle, of course, would represent the Democrats.  They need Trump because they have a "Joe problem".

The problem with Joe Biden is that he is way too old to be President and it shows.

His reaction to the awful school shooting in Nashville illustrates it.  First, Joe meanders into a room full of people. Then, instead of commenting on what is on everyone's mind, Joe talks about what is on his mind: ice cream. Here's the official White House transcript.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.  My name is Joe Biden.  (Laughter.)  I’m Dr. Jill Biden’s husband.  (Laughter.)  And I eat Jeni’s Ice Cream, chocolate chip.  (Laughter.)  I came down because I heard there was chocolate chip ice cream.  (Laughter.)

By the way, I have a whole refrigerator full upstairs.  (Laughter.)  You think I’m kidding, I’m not.

Ben, how are you, pal? 


THE PRESIDENT:  One of the best guys in the United States Congress, Ben Cardin.  (Applause.)

Folks, welcome to the White House.

AUDIENCE:  Thank you.

THE PRESIDENT:  And it’s a delight to have you all here.  And who are those good-looking kids back here?  (Laughter.)

MS. BLAKELY:  Those are my kids.

THE PRESIDENT:  They’re your kids?  All four of them?


THE PRESIDENT:  Well, stand up, guys.  (Laughter and applause.)

Well, I want you to know, like you, I had two brothers — there were three in our family, three brothers, and one sister.  And my sister is smarter than all of us.  (Laughter.)  Not a joke. 

She used to be three years younger than me; now she’s 23 years younger than me.  (Laughter.)  You know, she managed every one of my campaigns for office, even back when I was in high school.  We went to the same university two years apart.  She graduated with honors; I graduated.  (Laughter.)  And we had a simple rule in the family: Listen to Val.  (Laughter.)  My sister, Valerie, is incredible.

So, guys, be nice to your sister.  You’re going to need her.  (Laughter.)  You’re going to need her.  I promise.

It’s the same lineup.  You’re the oldest?  Who’s number two?  Number two?  Who’s number three?


THE PRESIDENT:  You’re twins?  Are you guys twins?

AUDIENCE MEMBER:  No, we’re not twins.  (Laughter.)

THE PRESIDENT:  Okay.  All right.  Just how — just how it was in our outfit.  Well, I’m so glad to see you all, and thanks for coming with mom.  Okay?

You got to take care of your mom.  Dads are much harder to raise.  But, you know, we’re — (laughter)

There's a "you think I'm kidding" (why would we?), a "no joke" (true I did not see a joke) and some Las Vegas style banter. (Hey, we got somebody from Maryland in the HOUSE!)

The website I consulted "fact checked" the snarky mean old right wingers saying it was "out of context". The President was there to give a speech to women's summit and it did eventually get around to mentioning the Nashville shooting.  Even putting it "in context", it was odd.

The Democrats know the President is a couple of months away from doing a press conference in his bathrobe and pajamas. You can't run against a young man (DeSantis) or a young woman  (Haley). You have to run against Fatty McNarcissist to have a chance.

Thus, the biggest smiles this week over a poll showing Trump expanding a thirty-point lead over DeSantis were at The White House. The Biden people know they beat Trump once and they will beat him again.

You know who is not in The Venn Diagram. Most people. Trump won in 2016 because he wasn't Hillary Clinton. He lost 2020 because acted like a baboon. Biden won because he wasn't Trump. I don't see how Trump can win the states he lost in 2020.  Even in my beloved state of Georgia, we have little tolerance for that loudmouth loser Yankee.

If Trump is the nominee, will I vote for Trump?  No. 

Will I vote for Biden?  No, child, no


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