Sunday, November 13, 2022

Not So Instant Analysis


Look, I have good reasons for not commenting on the 2022 Mid-Term elections.

One: the election really isn't over. Sort of.  We have another run-off here in Georgia with two candidates who apparently didn't like their wives.  You can't imagine how thrilled we are here in Georgia that we have six more weeks of commercials.

Commercial One:  (Voice over)  "Herschel Walker.  My God."  

Commercial Two:  (Voice over)  "Raphael Warnock is the reason you pay five dollars for gas. Plus, he tried to run over his wife because Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi told him to TAKE HER OUT".

Two:  It apparently takes Arizona and Nevada weeks, if not months, to count votes.  How is this possible?  You knew the winner of "American Idol" the next day.  I hate to be partisan, but it is strange how these lengthy voting stories always seem to end with the person with the (D) beside their name winning the election

Three:  I've been really swamped.  As I mentioned in my last two posts, my friend Bill died.  I wasn't in the mood to write about Stacey Abrams and her big brain.

But while I'm at it, I'm not sure what office Stacey Abrams was seeking.  I kept seeing signs that she was running for governor here in Georgia, but at times it seemed like she was running to be Prime Minister of The Cool Kids Table.  She would tweet about wanting to be the governor of the "great state of Georgia", and then you'd see a news clip of her saying we were terrible and we needed to have a "conversation". 

Abrams was running against Brian Kemp. Brian Kemp is the only politician I've ever witnessed that does not know how to smile.  But, I give him this. He opened the state when everybody (and I mean everybody, including Big Bad Orange Man) was calling him a killer. Kemp also stood up to Trump when Trump wanted to "find" eleven thousand votes. If Kemp was from Vidalia, they would say he has onions.

In any event, the early predictions by the people who predict things for a living said there was going to be a "red wave" meaning the Republicans would take over the Senate along the House. 

That didn't exactly happen.

The Mid Terms basically kept the "status quo" (which is Latin for "A quo that is status"). Apparently there are several reasons for this.

One reason is The Dobbs Decision by The Supreme Court, which overturned Roe vs Wade, will somehow lead to Trojan condoms being outlawed.  The Democrats got their voters to the polls by fear- mongering that they would not be able to terminate a pregnancy after the baby was born.  As we all know, this country was founded on reproductive rights and everybody has the right to choose unless it is a vaccine.

The second reason is DEMOCRACY WAS ON THE LINE.  This is because President Orange and January 6th. One really famous historian, Michael Beschloss, said, “Fifty years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country and if there are still free publishing houses and a free press — which I’m not certain of, but if that is true — a historian will say what was at stake … was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed.”

I watch FOX News, but I've never seen Tucker Carlson advocate arresting and killing children, so I'm not sure where Dr. Beschloss derived his opinion. But hey, he's made a living out of being a history major, so I salute him for that. 

It just seems like Democrats understand the game a little bit better. They have convinced people that standing in line without a slice of pizza is cruel and inhuman. They have convinced people to fill out a ballot at home, and they will drop by the house and pick it up for you and take it to the election polling place to be counted. That's so sweet.

One result of this lousy election cycle for the Republicans is that it looks like maybe, possibly, the Republicans are ready to move on from President Trump. That is if it is all right with him. 

Well, it won't be.  Trump will hit the RINOS (Republicans before 2015) with one of his zingers, and they'll go back to begging Trump to mention how cool they are to one of his golfing buddies.

Another result will be President Pap-Paw thinking he is doing this SUPER job. The people love paying more for gas and groceries! People love being called terrorists for having the gall to question a school board. Worry out loud about a nuclear holocaust?  People can't get enough of it.

It looks like we're going to have more of the same. Way to go, guys, way to go.





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