Friday, November 6, 2020

The 2020 Election: It's Not Over Until It's Over


Of course, we just couldn't have a definitive Presidential election. It is 2020, you know. 

At this moment (Wednesday, November 4, 2020), the Presidential election has not been decided because the country that put a man on the moon has lost the ability to count.  Four states are still "too close to call" and there's another one that's been called but President Trump is sending his lawyers there to request a recount.

We could have a result later this week. Or this month. Or this year. Or the year after that. However, we are certain we will have a new President sworn in by the New Hampshire Primary in 2024.

Let's take a moment to review the candidates shall we?

According to historians and political scientists, the reason for the closeness of the election is that "both candidates really suck".

One candidate is President Trump. Maybe you have heard of him.

I know people who don't like it when I try to put a positive spin on President Trump. Here is my positive spin on President Trump:  It has never been a dull moment with the great orange one.   It seems like yesterday when he caught COVID, recovered, and returned to the White House and RIPPED OFF HIS MASK.

However, in BC (Before COVID) the economy was trucking along, doing great.  It looked like this election was going to be another "Hold Your Nose" election and Trump would cruise to re-election.

Then you had the shutdowns, the Depression, Dr. Fauci, Social Distancing, and the five hour press conferences in which Trump and press would get into fights about masks. Then came the unrest, which reminded people of the 60's except the music this time around was a lot worse.

Of course, President Trump is just the type of person you want to calm the nation.  Ha!  Often it seemed like he would search for exactly the wrong word to say in a situation.

The other candidate is former Vice President Senator Joe Biden.

We remember Vice President Biden from his days as Barack Obama's Vice President when he would drop the F-Bomb on auspicious occasions and strategically sniff women's hair. 

Biden ran in a crowded Democratic primary field that included somebody older than him and with more discredited ideas (Bernie Sanders)  It also included a Senator made famous by making an employee dry shave her legs (Amy Kloduchar), and the mayor of the fourth largest city of Indiana, not that there's anything wrong with that (Pete Something).

Who can forget Elizabeth Warren, who for years made a big deal that she was a "minority" because she had a "Native American"  background?  She took a DNA test and it turned she was as Native American as your cell phone.

Despite being 240 years old and occasionally wandering off the campaign trail, Biden was nominated because he was seen as the most "electable".

These were two candidates with very big problems.

For President Trump, his problem was everybody hated him.  

For Vice President Biden, his problem was nobody saw him as a solution. He was elected as a senator from Delaware in 1972.  I was in the eighth grade. 

Vice President Biden only had one positive: he wasn't Donald Trump. However, his party saddled him with a ton of ludicrous stuff that he couldn't put a happy face on. Two years ago The Democratic Party was telling us The Green New Deal was "aspirational", this year they were more specific. More taxes on "the rich". Medicare For All.  Court packing,  You name it and Biden had to mealy mouth around it.

Trump had one positive: he seemed to enjoy campaigning and entertaining his base. Trump has everybody against him. All of the news media. All of the entertainment industry except for talk radio. All of academia. Everybody was against him except his base.

Biden, to me at least, really ran a lazy, lackadaisical campaign. His campaign introduced a new term to the lexicon: "lid"  meaning the candidate would not be making any more appearances. Sometimes the "lids" were before noon.

Trump seemed to be "happy", in whatever way he can be.  Biden seemed to be disheartening, warning us of a "dark winter". That will pick up your spirit.

Still, it is remarkable of the three elderly candidates in the past 25 years (Dole, McCain, and Biden), Biden is the one who will across the finish line as the victor with the help of a compliant news media and an opponent who seemed to do everything to help him.


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