Sunday, October 25, 2020

Click 2020


 Just your average evening in front of  the television.

"(Voice Over: I'm Donald J. Trump and I approved this message)  President Trump. I bet you're not laughing anymore! Military bigger! Economy almost back to being the best economy ever in the history of the Solar System.  First Lady: Still smokin' hot.  Older sons: Still goofy looking, but one has the best looking lawyer in the country as as gal pal, yeah come on.  Hair: An engineering miracle. Just think what he can do when he has nothing to worry about...."




"Donald Trump invented COVID-19 with the help of the Russians. (Voice Over: Paid for by the Committee to Blame Donald Trump For Everything Because Everything Was Going So Smoothly Until He Stuck His Big Fat Face In It"




"Kelly Loeffler is a tall drink of conservative water. She's the true conservative in the race unlike the false conservative in the race, Doug Collins, who is not a true conservative like Kelly Loeffler. He is a (music: dun-dun-dun-DUN) LAWYER who sets drug pushing, child molesting, murderers out on the street. That's not a true conservative. Kelly Loeffler is a true conservative.Just in case you missed it: Kelly Loeffler is the only true conservative in Georgia.  (Voice Over:Paid for by the Kelly Loeffler, True Conservative For Georgia Campaign)" 



"I'm Doug Collins and I'm running for Senate. Yeah, I know you thought I'd be taller. Lookie, I know Kelly Loffer or Laugher or whatever her name is has made a big deal that I am an attorney.  Hey lady, some of us have to work for living. We didn't marry some guy that owns The New York Stock Exchange.  Who does that?  I'll tell you: some tall know it all  Yankee chick that has a voice deeper than that guy in The Oak Ridge Boys who does the 'ompapa-ompapa' on 'Elvira'  I'm not a conservative?  Listen:  I was a conservative back when you were chasing cows for your 4-H Club."



"Hello, I'm Raphael Warnock, I'm also running for Senate. I'd like to tell you my platform, but since I'm a Baptist preacher, I have some announcements.  There will be a men's prayer breakfast in the fellowship hall this Saturday..."



"David Perdue. Doesn't he make you sick? He thought COVID was just some big joke and he sold some stock. He lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies and then will lie some more. He just likes hanging out with his fat cat friends and WATCHING YOU AND YOUR FAMILY DIE.  But, he does have nice hair for man his age, I'll give him that. Kinda has that Glen Campbell look going. Where was I?  Oh yeah, David Perdue. Pray your vote counts!"



"I'm Jon Ossoff. You got to elect me to something or I'm just going to keep running and running again. By the way, have you seen my new YouTube documentary on The Mandalorian?



"My administration was doing everything right and everything was beautiful."



"Remember The Alamo! (voice over: paid for by the Biden For President committee)"




"If you think I tweet a lot now, you ain't seen nothin' yet!"




"T think I'm supposed to Remember the Maine"




"True. Tall. Blonde. Conservative. Kelly Loeffler.  False. Short. Not Conservative Doug Collins."




"After the Men's Prayer Breakfast, there will be a Lady's Brunch with the theme 'Fall Into Prayer, Leaf Your Woes Behind'. I'm supposed to tell you that an offering will be taken with the proceeds going to the building fund even though we haven't bought a door knob in years."



"David Perdue.  My God."



"Jon Ossoff:  Ewww"



"You gotta admit, it's been interesting!"


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