Sunday, June 30, 2019


I know I should really feel bad about it, but I missed both of The Democratic Party debates.

For one thing, they came on at 9:00 at night and that is very close to beddie-bye time here at Manis Manor. We have to get up early to milk the cows around here.

I also have no idea what an "Eric Swalwell" is or why that thing called "Eric Swalwell" is running for President.  (It sounds like a side effect from a prescription drug they advertise on TV: "If you develop Eric Swalwell, seek immediate medical attention")

I knew it would be basically Dump On Trump. That's okay,  I guess, but I'd rather watch something else.

Based on news reports after I noticed I was right. But I felt this strange desire to ask these candidates some question, too.

To Bernie Sanders:   We have a friend whose mother lives in New Zealand.  Her mother had to wait 10 months to have Cataract Surgery. Why is this system preferable to the one we have?

To All:  Besides ICE, is there any government department you would like to shut down?

To Kamala Harris:  Do you think we should go back to forced court-ordered busing?  If so, why? If not, why not?

To All:  If elected, would you be the head of The Democratic Party or will you let a 29-year-old bartender continue to set the agenda?

To Elizabeth Warren:  Why should the kid who went to technical school to become a plumber pay for the education of another kid that went to an Ivy League School and majored in Russian Literature?

To Joe Biden:  We've heard a lot about the 25 Amendment and how it could possibly be applied to President Trump.  Wouldn't a President Biden be likely to have the 25th Amendment applied also?

To Amy Klobuchar:  Did you ever pay for the undercoating to rust proof your cars in Minnesota or is that just something they show in the movies?

To Pete Buttigieg:  In 2004,  while running for Senate, Barack Obama said this about same-sex marriage "I’m a Christian. And so, although I try not to have my religious beliefs dominate or determine my political views on this issue, I do believe that tradition, and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman.”  Was the President a homophobe in 2004 or was he lying?

To All:   Do you believe that a "wall" or a barrier at the border of this county is immoral?  If so, why?

To All:  Do you believe in free speech, even if you do not agree with what is being said by the speaker?  If so, what, as President, will you do to protect the rights of those who express unpopular opinions on college campuses?

To All:  If a fetus survives an abortion, should the fetus be saved?

To Bill de Blasio:  Really?  You know everybody hates you, right?

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