Sunday, July 29, 2018

President Liz?

Soon Humor Me will celebrate nine years of outstanding blogging.

In that time, we've gone through two Presidential election cycles.

Not to brag, but I correctly predicted Willard "Mitt" Romney would be the Republican candidate for President against President Obama.  I also correctly predicted Newt Gingrich and Haley Barbour would never become president.  I was a regular Jeane Dixon.

However, I also wrote, not once, but twice, that Donald Trump would never become President. The post in 2012 was written after a news report about a profanity-laced speech, which included the F-dash-dash-dash word.  I thought America would never elect such a boorish slob.

The next time I wrote Trump would never be President was after he announced his candidacy in the summer of 2015.  After the first Republican debate, Trump lit up his Twitter feed talking about a female reporter and somehow this lead to a deep national discussion about this woman and her Auntie Flo.

No way would The GOP  nominate such a goofy clown.  Wrong.

Well, even if The GOP did nominate him, there was no way he would defeat Hillary Clinton, who had been running for President since the Eisenhower administration.  Wrong.

I wonder if Jeane Dixon ever had days like this.

So, here we are heading into terrible, soul-crushing, another Presidential election cycle and here at Humor Me, Inc, we are ready to post profiles of the various candidates who will run to challenge President Trump.  Because of the results the last time around, I will NEVER say no candidate has a chance to win.

First up: Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.

To be honest, I don't see anything half-way Presidential about Elizabeth Warren.  To me, she seems like a librarian ready to tell you to HUSH really loudly.

However, she was a Havard Law School professor. If there is anything Democrats love,  it is law professors.

She is a leader in the wing of the Democrat party called "The Progressives". Basically, Progressives think up new ways of  "progressing", usually by the means of name calling and moralizing movies. It is the new hip movement in The Democratic Party because somebody took a poll and discovered calling yourself a "liberal" just doesn't cut it anymore.

Progressives also believe money grows on trees and if you slightly disagree with them, you are the spawn of Satan because you are slowing progress, which is always defined by them.

She became a darling of some when she stood up to Mean Mitch McConnell and "persisted" in reading a letter from Coretta Scott King from thirty years previous which Republicans felt impugned the character of then-Senator Jeff Sessions who was nominated to be the Attorney General. Which it did and it violated Senate rules, but you know, it was a letter from Coretta Scott King.

One of the hilarious aspects of the public life of Elizabeth Warren is she listed herself as a minority for nine years in the American Association of Law Schools directory of law professors and Harvard identified her as a "woman of color".  Supposedly, she has Native American ancestory.

This is not out of the realm of possibility. She was born and raised in Oklahoma. However, she hasn't offered any proof of her ancestry other than that's what her mother said. Incredibly, she adds that she didn't know Harvard listed her as a "woman of color" (right) and she gained no career advantage (sure). She added that allegations she used this story as a way to game the system were hurtful and untrue (of course).

President Trump has treated this episode of Warren's life with his typical sensitivity by calling her "Pocahontas".

Which would be a good indication that she is not going to be treated with kid gloves in this race if she happens to win the nomination.  One of the problems I see with Warren is that she always looks aghast like she is some old maid school marm running down to shake her finger at you.

I just don't see how she can win over Trump voters. She's going to have to move to the right, somehow. I just don't see the Progressive wing of the party letting her do that.

On top of that, she is going to be running in a crowded field of other Progressives like Sen Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris. It will probably split the primary vote for a more moderate candidate like Crazy Uncle Joe Biden to win the nomination.

However, Chris Matthews points out the new President is always different from the old President. Kennedy (young) was different Eisenhower (old), yadda, yadda.  Nobody is more different than President Trump than Elizabeth Warren.

I have been wrong before. Bigly.

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