Sunday, May 13, 2018

Click 2018

Guess what gang?  We've having a gubernatorial primary in Georgia!   Can't you feel the excitement! Wake up!

The commecials for the various candidates have already started to hit the airways. Here is a transcript of me channeling surfing:

"I'm Conservative Casey Cagle and I worked hard to bring Conservative Casey Cagle Values to Georgia which include hard work at a job that provides vision benefits that lets you get glasses so you kind of look smart."


"Hunter Hill doesn't need glasses. His vision is perfect. Hunter Hill does four thousand crunches at 6:00 in the morning after his twelve mile run. Casey Cagle can't even do one pull up."


"Mah name es Stacy Evans and ah laved in 240 different houses, most offem trailers in trailer perks. Effin it wurnt fer y'all buyun scratch-offs, Ah nefer woodef goneofa to skool."


"Gee, Mr. Kemp, all I did was hold her hand" <BANG! BANG!>    (Voice Over) "Brian Kemp. Loves his daughters. Loves The Second Admendment. Hates boys."


"Don't you think it is time for a Woman of Color to be the governor of Georgia?  Well, what do you know?  I'm Stacey Abrams and I happen to be a Woman of Color and I happen to be running for Governor. 


"My name is Clay Tippins. I used to be a Navy Seal. I don't have to brag about my workout regime like Hunter Hill. I bet a gynocologist is his primary care physician. Did I tell you I was a Navy Seal?"


(Voice Over) "Conservative Casey Cagle. Well, you know. I mean, yeah, why not?"


"No, Mr. Kemp, I didn't touch your daughter. NOT THE BAZOOKA!" <BOOM! BOOM!> (Voice Over)  "Brian Kemp. Really loves his daughters. Loves bazookas. Capche?"


"Mah momma useda tak them lil paks of catups frum Mackey Dees to make usins some mater soup".


"Former Navy Seal Clay Tippins here. Did you know Conservative Casey Cagle gave strip joints a tax break?  Is that the type of jobs he wants to bring to Georgia? Stripper jobs?  What a perv.


"You got to admit it would look good for Georgia to elect someone of color and a woman to boot as governor.  It is a win-win for both of us".


"Conservative Casey Cagle:  He's put in his time."


"Okay, enough with the hillbilly crap. The other Stacey has actually worked with Republicans! How can she? Resist! Resist!"


<voice over>  "Hunter Hill. Sure he's bald, so what?!  Grass don't grow on a busy street, fella.


"Mr. Kemp!  Not the TANK!" (BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!)  <voice over> "Brian Kemp. Pro-keeping boys filthy paws off his daughters' silky drawers.  Pro-tank.  Anti-boy."

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