Sunday, February 16, 2020

Mini Mike

"Two straight elections of grating New Yorkers duking it out for the presidency is the fate we deserve tbqh*  (*To be quite honest)"  ~ Sonny Bunch

There is no way to tell, who is going to win the Democratic Party's nomination for President. At least not yet.  It is easier to tell you who is not going to win it.

I mean, besides Andrew Yang. I'm not sure who Andrew Yang really is, except he's described as an "entrepreneur". He seemed like a nice guy.  I really liked the "Yang Gang' stuff but some of his ideas were kind of goofy, like the UBI (Universal Basic Income) which was a thousand dollars a month for every American over 18 years of age.  I'm not saying a thousand dollars isn't a lot of scratch, but George McGovern tried that in 1972 when a thousand dollars really packed a punch and it didn't move the needle.

No, I'm talking about people like Elizabeth Warren, who, thank God, never took off and never made a connection with the American people.  I agree with Jonah Goldberg who compared Warren with Michael Scott of "The Office" because "they both share an inability to recognize they’re debasing themselves".

President Obama once said that most of the time he believed in his own Bull Corn being the Hope and the Change people wanted The problem with Warren is that she really thinks she is the "One" we've been waiting for. Yes, we've been waiting for someone to actually pretend to be a minority to advance their career. The sooner she slinks back into the background the better we'll be.

I'm talking about former Vice President Joe Biden who is, frankly, a doddering old man. He needs to be in a home, not the White House.

In this election cycle, the talk has been all about "the lanes", i.e. the "Progressive (Almost Communist) Lane" and the "Moderate (Almost Very Liberal) Lane.

In the Progressive Lane, you have Bernie Sanders, who for some reason has really connected with young people who don't know crap about the world but think they do.  Maybe it is all the free stuff he is promising them, like free college.

I don't get "free college". For one thing, everybody is going to have to pay for it. With the system now I have to, theoretically, pay for my own college education. Under Bernie, everybody is going to have to pay for somebody else's junior going to college and writing a paper on the limits of knowledge presented in Herman Melville's Moby Dick.

In the Moderate Lane, you have Pete Buttigieg, who is a mayor of a mid-sized Midwestern city, NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT.  I know Trump kind of smashed the idea that a person should hold some sort of Big Political job before running for President, but still, being the mayor of South Bend, Indiana does not seem to give the experience one would need to be President of The United States.  If I was going to vote for a mayor, I would vote for Steve "Thunder" Tumlin who is the mayor of my town, Marietta, Georgia.  I'm not sure why his nickname is "Thunder", but I think "President Thunder" has a cool ring to it.

Also in the Moderate Lane is Amy Klobuchar.  She is a Senator from Minnesota and seems like to possibly have some sense, which means she is immediately disqualified to become President. She holds to the predictable Democratic policies, but she doesn't treat Pro-Life people bad and she has appeared on Fox News.  We cannot allow people to have normal conversations with people who have different opinions.

New to the Moderate Lane is former New York mayor Michael "Mike" Bloomberg.  Bloomberg has Eleventy Jillion dollars to his name and is dumping almost all of it into commercials that play on radio and TV every other minute.

Bloomberg has a couple of positives. One, he is actually a successful person that built his own business.  Two,  he was the mayor of the largest city in the country and did a credible job in running it.

The negatives.  He is as old as dirt (78 years old).  It is like he looked at the field and decided it needed another rich elderly man in it.  Also, Democrats generally don't like rich people unless they need money from them.  It seems like he's trying to blow up the "primary process" by buying the nomination. Maybe that is a good thing.  Anything other than what's happened in the last three election cycles will be an improvement.

He may be able to coax some Never Trumpers to his side because he's not as vulgar as the President. However, he's not too keen on the Second Amendment and is way too concerned about how much Co-cola you drink. I just can't see him winning over the Trump Wisconsin voters.

He talks a lot about being "data-driven" and  "results-oriented". I'm not sure how much different that is from Trump, but it is easier to be "results-oriented" when you are the Big Tuna at your own company than dealing with a senator who will still be in office long after you're gone.

Anyway, if you are "results-oriented" wouldn't you think the results of the Trump economy are good? How would Mike make that better?  I don't think he knows.

I would put "Mini Mike" (Trump's new nickname for Bloomberg) as the second most likely Democratic party nominee. I don't see how you can escape the conclusion that Bernie Sanders is the most likely. That's not good for a lot of reasons.

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