Sunday, July 7, 2024

President Gaslight

 "Aside from that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?"

As you all know, I majored in college in history (like a doofus). But you don't need to be a history major to understand that President Biden put in the worst debate performance by anyone in a Presidential debate. Ever.

That includes Ford (liberating Poland), Carter (discussing "new-clear" war with his daughter), Dukakis (answering a question about his wife being raped and murder while looking like he was doing a Sodoku), and Bush I (looking at his watch)

I don't think you can minimize how awful Biden looked, acted, or spoke in his debate with Former President Orange Dictator.

It was beyond description.  Biden's performance was a dumpster fire wrapped in a train wreck during a massive poop storm.

If Trump is such a "threat to Democracy" that Democrats have been saying, for the good of the party, country, and world, President Biden should withdraw from the race and allow his party, the party he loves so much, to nominate someone else. 

Even Vice President Harris.

Though I disagree with Harris about 99.9% of the time, I'm pretty sure she knows what day it is. I think.

But, you know, history has shown that it is hard to get somebody to bow out when they get to that level.

In 1944, President Roosevelt looked sick. Because he was! He was in very ill health. But he thought he was the indispensable man. He "agreed" to be nominated and won reelection running against Tom Dewey, the last Republican with a mustache.

He served 82 days of his term before dying in office.  He was 63 years old. 18 years younger than Biden is now.

After Nixon released the "transcripts"  of his secretly recorded tapes, it was obvious that he was going to have to go. But he hung on as long as he could. Finally, Barry Goldwater and a couple of others had to walk into the Oval Office and get Nixon to scat.

But over the last 30 years, Presidents have hung tough.  I still don't know how Clinton made it after he wagged that crooked finger at us and said he didn't have sex with that woman. In case you forgot, Clinton did have some form of sex with that woman, although I'm not sure Clinton counted it as sex.

Who can forget all of the issues Trump had while he was President?  He just hung tough and survived two impeachments.

This time, it is a little different. It is about basic honesty.

The White House, The Democratic Party, and the mainstream media have not been honest with us about Biden. What they have been doing is gaslighting us.

According to the interwebs, "Gaslighting is the action of repetitively (and often brazenly) lying to someone to manipulate."

The White House, The Democratic Party, and the mainstream media have acted like there was nothing wrong with Biden, and there is something wrong with you if you think the President is infirm.

What am I? A doctor?  No, I'm not. I'm not able to make a medical diagnosis of Alzheimer's or dementia.  However, I will note that it didn't prevent the Twitter-verse from diagnosing Trump as a narcissist.

But I have known elderly people, and I'm getting there myself.  The presidency is a tough job, and it requires firing on all cylinders.

Can anyone honestly, in your heart of hearts, say Biden's firing on all cylinders?

He is not.

Anything is possible in politics and Biden might be able to win. But it doesn't look like it.


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