Saturday, July 20, 2024

That Was The Week That Was


A little inside baseball.  I try, really try, to write three Humor Me blog posts a month.

Believe it or not, it can be a little tricky.

First of all, I have a "job" that takes up a lot of my time, and a lot of it is spent typing. Frankly, sometimes I'm just "too pooped to pop" as my mom would say and the thought of sitting behind another computer banging out a post is too much.

Then, I have something called "a life." I have a wife, a son, a daughter-in-law, and a grandson. My wife wants to see our grandson as much as possible, so we have to travel from the palatial Manis Manor in Cobb County to my son's house in the wilds of Paulding County.

We also go to church, the gym, and the grocery store.

You get the picture. Unlike talented writers, I have to think about a topic before I write about it. In addition, my actual writing is hindered by my general lack of knowledge of grammar and my problems with spelling.  Pro tip: if you take up writing as a hobby, learn how to spell. 

Since my blog is not about one specific thing, I must search for topics.  Last week was the week I had too many things to do, so I didn't write. Of course, that is when some kid tried to kill Donald Trump by blowing his head off but instead almost blew off his right ear. 

I remember where I was when I first heard the news: I was in the Chick-fil-A drive-through. I know, big surprise.

My wife and I watched the coverage of the assassination attempt on television.

Trump was talking in that way he talks. He grabs at his ear. The Secret Service grabs him. He pumps his fist and is rushed to his car. This scene was replayed over and over again.  At least with the Kennedy Assassination, it took several years for the Zapruder film to be shown. 

For someone my age, it was just Deja Vu all over again.  Kennedy, King, Kennedy, Wallace, Ford (twice in one month), and Reagan.   

Of course, there is a long string of mistakes and failures.  The Head of The Secret Service said, with a straight face, that the roof where the shooter had a clear sight line of Trump, only a football field and a half away, was slightly sloped and presented a safety concern for the agents, who, you know, are supposed to jump in front of bullets. So, we couldn't be expected them to be actually on the building like the shooter.

First, it is "pitch" instead of slope when discussing a roof. Second, the shooter made it up there with no problem.  Finally, when the shooter was killed, he didn't fall off the roof.

If you are going to say, "The buck stops with me," like you are some latter-day Harry Truman, you cannot offer up a lame, mealy-mouth excuse for what was clearly a mistake.

Of course, the internet speculated that it was "staged" because, for all its usefulness, the internet is also the place where stupid people hang out.

My favorite debate on X (Twitter) was about Trump's ear bandage.  You would be amazed on how many ear bandage experts there are on X. 

The attempted assassination eclipsed the latest Media game of trying to run President Biden out of the race because we have just learned he is old.

Look, not all 80-year-olds are alike. Mick Jagger can still strut around and sing like he did when he was 30. Biden, on the other hand, is looking more and more like Mr. Burns.  I half way expect him to end a speech by say, "Smithers, release the hounds!"

He commented three times on the attempt on Trump's life. All three times, he seemed to imply that maybe Trump wasn't such an existential threat to all that is kind and good after all, and everybody should cool it.

He spent the rest of the week shouting about what a great president he was and that he was not going anywhere.

Then he got Covid, and it sounded like all the Big Wig Democrats were finally ready to join in one big chorus: Joe Must Go (If he feels like it, which he really should, if he wants). They even came up with a plan in which they would have a mini-primary system in which everybody could participate and select a candidate that would energize the party.

As of today, right now, at this moment, it sounds like Biden, could possibly, maybe, perhaps stay in the race.

The Republican Convention was this week. Trump announced his new VEEP pick: JD Vance of Ohio, who has been a Senator for a couple of weeks.

Vance wrote the book Hillbilly Elegy, which is a good book.  He was a big-time Never Trumper in 2016, but he's walked the aisle and is now a Trumpster like no other.  Trump loves him some people that grovel.

He brings some intellectual heft to the ticket. He also has a PWT background. It is refreshing to have a Republican who wasn't on the Day School Polo team in eighth grade.

The Convention went on as planned, and it seems that the Republicans were unified.  They let some regular people speak, and everything was honky-dory for the GOP for the first time in a very long time.

 Then Trump spoke.

He spoke for 96 minutes. For the first 30 minutes, he was the human all his children and grandchildren said he was. For the remaining 66 minutes, he was cranking out the greatest hits.

At least it answered the question of whether the assassination attempt changed Trump.  Answer: No.

That's a lot for one week. I'm too pooped to pop. 

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