Sunday, June 2, 2024

About The Other Day


Look, I have never claimed to be Nostradamus.

But, I wasn't surprised about a Manhattan court convicting former President Trump of thirty-four felonies, especially when they came back so quickly after the start of deliberations.

You hate to say the fix was in, but the fix was in.

Anytime something doesn't go Trump's way, he'll squawk that the system was rigged so he couldn't get a fair shake. In the past this has included, but was not limited to, The Emmy Awards and buying a NFL football team. 

A broken watch is right twice a day, and a blind pig can find an acorn.  It is one of the few times you could watch one of Trump's screeds and think, "Well, he's got a point."

The judge has given money (not a tremendous amount, but still) to the Biden campaign, and his daughter is a consultant for the Biden campaign.

If Alito is supposed to recuse himself because his wife flew a flag upside down, then we should at least concede that Judge Juan Merchan should have done the same.

Jonah Goldberg made a good point about the recent Trump mess.

"Donald Trump had sex with an adult film actress while his third wife was nursing their newborn child. He had an affair with a former Playboy model. He denies this, but as far as I can tell no one else does. Even Trump’s staunchest defenders don’t try—at least not very hard—to do so. He falsely recorded his effort to pay off to Stormy Daniels as legal expenses. He spent his entire professional life abusing the legal system, stiffing contractors out of their fees by threatening to bankrupt them in frivolous legal actions. As a landlord, he violated fair housing laws. As a presidential candidate, he promised to put his business interests in a blind trust, but once elected he didn’t and monetized the presidency for his own benefit. Also as a presidential candidate, he led chants of “Lock her up!” about his political opponent. He invited Russia to release information about her.  He was impeached (the first time) for abusing his power in an attempt to intimidate a foreign leader to investigate Joe Biden for corruption. When he tried to steal the 2020 election, he pressured his own Justice Department to allege crimes to buttress his false claims that the election was illegitimate. This was also around the time he encouraged a mob that visited riotous violence upon the Capitol in an effort to intimidate Congress out of fulfilling its constitutional duties. He’s promised to pardon people who beat up cops on his behalf. He defended the mob that chanted “Hang Mike Pence.” He’s argued—through lawyers in court—and in his own words that he should be immune to any criminal charges that stem from actions he took as president, and to a certain extent, as ex-president. He’s vowed that when he’s president again he reserves the right to do what he’s outraged is being done to him. I could go on, but you get the picture. Now, I want to be clear: Except for the misdemeanor of false records, none of these things are proven crimes and some of them are not crimes at all."


I'm not an attorney, and I've only spent two nights in a Holiday Inn Express, but I don't understand how any of this case was "against the law," much less a felony. Maybe it was, and I'm just too dumb down here in Jawja to understand it.

But please spare me from all the "rule of law" nonsense.

I spent a good bit of my life listening to people call Edward Kennedy a "lion of the Senate" even after he left a girl at the bottom of a pond to drown. He didn't get one minute in a courtroom for a trial because he was a famous Democrat in a state run by Democrats.

In contrast, Trump, at worst, mislabeled an account on purpose.

As far as I'm concerned, Trump was convicted thirty-four times of being Trump

Everybody got what they want. Democrats get to refer to Trump as a  "convicted felon," which he is, and the Republicans get to refer to it as a show trial, which it was.

The problem for the Democrats is they are like the dog that caught the car.  It is a feather in their cap for "finally" getting Donald Trump, who they laughed and golfed with less than twenty years ago.

Despite the conviction, Trump has a better-than-average chance of returning to The White House

Look, Trump is a lout and total jerk. But even fat orange crybabies deserve a fair trial and if they are convicted of a felony for the felony to actually be a crime.




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