Sunday, May 26, 2024

Biden-Trump 2: Electric Boogaloo



Whether we like it or not, the Presidential election is coming. It is the exciting Biden versus Trump Redux because the first time didn't give us a big enough headache.

This is the first repeat election since 1956. That was Eisenhower versus Stevenson. How anyone could look at Adlai Stevenson and think "Now that's a President!" is beyond me but we've had worst.

Eisenhower stomped Stevenson in 1952, giving the GOP the White House for the first time since 1932. The Democrats nominated Stevenson again in 1956 because they figured America would vote for a man whose head looked like an egg.  They were wrong.

The last time we've had two Presidents running against each other was 1892 with Harrison versus Cleveland. Cleveland won The White House in 1884. He lost it in 1888. Then he won it again in 1892.

Cleveland has a few things in common with Trump. He was from New York. He was a workaholic. He was a jelly belly. He had outkicked his coverage and was married to a much younger woman.  Other than that, not much else. I will add the economy at the time got worse in Cleveland 2.0.

Things will get nasty. Soon

There are many reasons for this.

One, Trump is a nasty person. That's the way he is wired.

You will hear from some Trumpsters that everybody likes Trump except for his "mean Tweets." Implying that you have to accept Trump's craziness if you want to buy a family bag of potato chips under six dollars. If you like the dog, you have to put up with its barking.

Two, Biden is nasty, too. Just in a different way.

Biden is the guy who said Mitt Romney wanted to put African Americans "back in chains."  Only Joe Biden would try to make Mitt Romney out to be another Lester Maddox.

Biden was supposed to be the grown-up in the room. He hasn't been.

Back in 2020, I wrote this: "It was nice to hear a Democrat say, 'Let this grim era of demonization in America begin to end here and now....forgive me for being cynical, but I'll believe this dawning of the Age of Aquarius when I see it."

And it hasn't been an Age of Aquarius. While I agree the January 6th riot was awful, bad, and stupid, I'm not sure tying up your political opponent with weak court cases isn't awful, bad, and stupid, too.  

Three, everybody already has an opinion on both of them.

I remember hearing about Joe Biden when I was in the eighth grade. Trump has constantly been in the news since the eighties.

Nothing is new with these guys. Biden obviously has some sort of diminished capacity while Trump is just nuts, Andy.

There's going to be a debate in June between these two guys. Why?

Really. Why have a debate? Everyone knows what the two guys will say and what they stand for.

My working theory is that it gives the Democrats time for one last push to get Biden out of the race and put one of their fresher faces in the top spot if Biden shows up at the debate wearing a bathrobe and beanie with a propeller on his head.

If Vice President Harris were more popular, the Democrats would have already pushed Biden out. But she isn't, and they have to take a chance, which is now 50/50 at best, that Biden-Harris can defeat Trump.

If Biden is re-elected, Vice President Harris will become President Harris before the '26 mid-terms. Biden will be a lame duck as soon as he is re-elected, and I think the Democratic party leadership will walk up the hill, give Biden a gold watch, and ask him to resign due to his "health."

Trump will be an instant lame duck, too, if he is elected. He's not good at building coalitions, and the country will tire of his dog and pony show, again.

You may remember I coined an election law called "The Inez Rule," named after my sainted mother, Inez.  

I asked Mom who she would vote for President. She said, "I'm going to hold my nose and vote for Nixon."

Most people don't have to feel a tingle up their leg to vote for a Presidential candidate. They will vote for whoever comes closest to whatever political opinion they have no matter if he is a tubby New York narcissist or an old man who gets older by the minute.

They just want one that can act like they have some sense, which is a problem this year.




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