Sunday, January 15, 2017

Our President

As you may remember, 2016 was a big year for me.

I had three e-books published. I am an author listed on Amazon. My books have sold in the dozens.

But life isn't easy when you are a famous writer. No, you must come up with a new "product" (booger joke books) that fit in with your brand (booger joke writer).  It is not simple to come up with an idea for a book.

I had this idea for a book about a young girl who accidentally kills a woman, steals her shoes, meets three "friends" with various "issues" and for some reason, ticks off the dead woman's sister.  But then I remembered this sounds too close to The Wizard of Oz.

But one idea I have might actually work. The title: My Presidents.

It would be a humorous look at the Presidents of my lifetime, from Eisenhower to Obama.  And now, of course, to Trump.

I've all but abandoned the idea. Do you know how hard it is to write an Eisenhower joke?  Pretty difficult.  One thing that is interesting about Eisenhower is he was probably the most popular person in America when he was elected in 1952. After all, he saved Western Civilization!  By 1960, all of the cool people thought Eisenhower was a dumb old man.

My idea for the title of the book came from someone I worked with in my insurance days. She used to call President Reagan "Your President Reagan".  She didn't like Reagan. I did. So he was mine.

So here we are now just a few days from a President Donald John Trump.

It has been an unusual transition.  The progressive/youth/celebrity/ left culture handled Trump's surprise victory with their usual amount of maturity.

It has been one long and loud pout. They have protested. They have "hashtaged". They have blocked and unfriend on Facebook. They have cried. They have lectured. Boy, have they lectured. Just last week one grande dame of the American Cinema took time out of a scheduled adulation to remind us, you know, the little people, that Mixed Martial Arts were not "the arts".

They have done everything except move to Canada like they promised they would.

I have only one word: relax.

Seriously. Everything is going to be all right. This country survived a Civil War, a Depression, and Two World Wars. It certainly is going to be able to survive a Big Orange Man With Little Bitty Hands.

Eight years ago, during the depths of a very serious financial crisis, we elected a man with a very thin resume because at least it seemed at the time, he could give a good speech. Also, his hue would purge our sins from the national memory.

Did I vote for Obama? No.  I thought he was a garden variety, leftist Democrat.  I think I was correct in my assessment.

I thought the press treated him like a Faberge egg and let him get away with a ton of stuff. But you know what? The country is fine.

Did I vote for Trump?  No.  I share the concerns of many regarding his temperament and I'm still ticked off to what he did to the USFL.

I think the best way to look at Trump is the way Comedian Norm McDonald, of all people, advises. Trump, he says, is a pragmatist at heart. He will try to please people because pleasing people through his resorts is what has made him a very rich man.  If public opinion turns on him on something, he will turn with it.

But what is important is Trump will be The President in few days. Your President. My President. Our President.  If he doesn't do a good job, you can vote against him in four years. It comes quicker than you think.

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