Sunday, January 7, 2024

The Future


Here we are in 2024! We are waiting to see what the new year will hold. I have some predictions.

The most important: Taylor Swift will not marry Travis Kelce. But she will write a song about him and OMG HOW SAD IS THIS SONG AND WHAT A RAT TRAVIS WAS TO TAY-TAY, YOU GUYS.

The Atlanta Falcons will hem and haw and not fire their head coach because, well, he just moved in and everything. 

There will be a new Tik-Tok craze that will sweep the nation, and by nation, I mean young people. It will be stupid and potentially dangerous. 

Somebody will use the term "fur babies," which will get on my nerves.

When discussing College Football, a Georgia Tech graduate will mention how many astronauts graduated from Georgia Tech and how many felons graduated from Georgia.

Trump will announce that he is picking himself as his running mate.  When told he cannot do that, he will post on his Truth Social that this is the kind of WITCH HUNT and ELECTION INTERFERENCE HE'S BEEN TALKING ABOUT FOR THE PAST EIGHT YEARS.

President Biden will mumble.

When you see the movie that wins The Oscar for Best Movie, you will not like it.

Speaking of movies, soon, movie theatres will offer financing to see a movie. EZ PAYMENTS!

The Atlanta Braves will make the playoffs and lose in the first round.  

President Biden will win the nomination of the Democratic Party. His acceptance speech will be about how bad MAGA is and how the economy is doing well, and you should buy electric cars because of climate change, and somebody get me some ice cream because it tastes so good. 

Somebody will ask you: "Is it hot enough for you?"

Former President Clinton will say that he doesn't like young girls. Instead, he likes the brainy know-it-all types with cankles that don't know how to laugh. 


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Jill Stein, Cornel West, Joe Manchin, and Larry Hogan will be blamed for the outcome of the 2024 Presidential election.

You will look at Netflix, Amazon, Peacock, and all the other streaming services for something to watch. You will give up and watch a rerun of "Friends."


Speaking of the streaming services, you will run across a detective show that features a detective who doesn't play by the rules.  He likes to kick butt and chew gum and guess what?  He just ran out of Hubba Bubba. But he's very intelligent. How do you know?  Because he listens to JAZZ.

A famous Rock star will pass away.


I will turn 65 years old this year.  I think I could pass at being 63 years old. I know when I pick up my grandson, I will make a noise like "oomph".




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