Sunday, July 23, 2023

No Labels, No Problem


 It is all over but the shouting.

Everybody and by that I mean everyone in the mainstream media seems to think the 2024 Presidential election is over. 

It will be Joe Biden (if someone wakes him up) against Donald Trump (if he's not in jail or maybe if he is in jail, Trump's taking a wait-and-see approach.)

Jeffrey Goldberg of "The Atlantic" said, "It's fair to say that there's a very, very good chance that the presumptive Republican nominee for president of the United States in May or June of next year will be a convicted felon. That's an astonishing fact." 

Mr. Goldberg goes on to say, "I was just talking to somebody, a senior official in a government department, and I asked this person an honest question. I didn't know the answer to it. I said, can you be president from jail? I didn't know the answer to that. And this person, instead of giving me the answer, because I think they didn't know the answer, said, it's amazing that we're at this place, that we're asking this question of each other. Can you run the country from prison? This is a live question."

I lived through the Trump years, and I can safely say I'm not sure he actually "ran" the country.  My problem with Trump is that he always sounded like he was ready to take away "causal Fridays" if our KPIs didn't improve.

Do you know who else wants Donald Trump to be the Republican nominee?  Joe Biden. 

The Washington Post reports "President Biden's campaign has no headquarters yet, less than 10 staffers and is spending hardly any money. But his aides say that's all part of the plan."

Oh yes, another one of President Biden's plans. Actually, his "plan" is to let 35 percent of the Republican party nominate someone who continually loses because he acts like a baboon.

I can speak for most Americans. The mere thought of a Biden-Trump campaign gives me a migraine headache.  It would be a perpetual fingernails on the blackboard moment for the country.

The indispensable Jim Geraghty said it best:  "An astounding 65 percent of voters don’t want Biden to run for another term, and 60 percent of voters don’t want Trump to run again. Among independents, 73 percent don’t want Biden to run again, and 70 percent don’t want Trump to run again. There are many Americans who dread a rematch between two habitually dishonest, narcissistic, shouting old men and who desperately hunger for some other serious option".

The third option could be the Libertarians, which is not a party but a bunch of people who want to smoke dope and keep their taxes low.  It may surprise you that a party dedicated to individual liberty can't get it together long enough to get somebody elected dog catcher anywhere.

It looks like a group known as "No Labels" might, maybe, could possibly run a third-party candidate. 

"No Labels" believes "This moment demands American leaders and citizens alike declare their freedom from the anger and divisiveness that are ruining our politics and most importantly, our country.  We must recommit to the fundamental beliefs that have historically united Americans and provided a common understanding of who we are and where we hope to go."  Okay

I think we have a united American fundamental belief that Biden is just a couple of days away from wandering around DC in his pajamas and Trump is a total nutjob.

The No Labels website talks about bipartisan approaches and people working together. They also talk about the importance of the Bill Of Rights, a balanced budget, and politics stops at the water's edge.   Good luck, guys.

West Virginia's Joe Manchin is the man most often mentioned as a No Labels candidate. He's not a total liberal whack job and acts like you could carry on a conversation with him even if you misgender somebody.

I don't know.  Third parties sound good but tend to peter out at the end.  There was a time when it looked like Ross Perot could possibly win, but it ended up that he just made it possible for Sexy In His Own Mind Bill Clinton to win The White House.

That worries Biden because they fear Manchin will siphon votes away and put Trump back in The White House.  

Trump must add this to his worries besides his four million court cases,too.  Biden got a lot of votes because people couldn't take Trump. Trump got a lot of votes because people couldn't take Biden.  And a lot of those 2020 Trump voters could vote for Manchin.

 It becomes a moot point if DeSantis wins the nomination, triggering the Democrats to nominate someone much younger than Biden.

But that doesn't look like that will happen. Some people are bound and determined to make you like Trump and/or Biden and don't care what you think.




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