Sunday, March 25, 2018

Loving The Donald, Hating The Sin

Simon Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go?"  (John 6:68)

At least you can't say The Trump Administration hasn't been interesting.

The latest story in Trump World is about Trump's relationship with a "porn" star, a Miss Stephanie Gregory Clifford of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, also known as Stormy Daniels.

To be honest, I have never heard of Ms  Daniels (honest!) until the news reports of her relationship with the President and that she had signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement with Trump.  In true Trump fashion, the President claims "nothing happened" (that's what she said). It is kind of odd that Trump would require a Non-Disclosure Agreement for a relationship in which "nothing happened".

Ms. Daniels has some, er, interesting "films"in her past.  According to IMDb she has been in "The Witches of Breastwick", "What's A Girl Gotta Do?", and "Operation Desert Stormy". Some of the other titles are not very polite, if you catch my drift.

The big question now is why haven't Evangelical Christians abandoned Trump in lieu of these allegations of The President and The Porn Star, which will probably be a movie in a few months.

One of the few whipping posts now in politics are Evangelical Christians, who voted almost 80% for Trump in 2016.

Let's be clear. When the mainstream news media uses the term "Evangelical Christians", they mean it to refer to snake handlers and men who still use Vitalis hair tonic. They are all Southern, white, mouth-breathing knuckle draggers that don't read "books" and order a "medium coffee" at Starbucks.

Actually, Evangelical Christians are all over the country and in a lot of denonimations. There are even, gasp, Evangelical Episcopalians. They have college degrees and they have a wide range of opinions besides what place serves the best fried chicken after church.

Since we are all tribal now and since this is my tribe, I think I can say that a lot of Evangelicals are appalled (and have been appalled) at Trump's behavior in life and in office. We shake our heads at some of his comments and wish, for all that is good and holy, that somebody would take away his blessed phone so he wouldn't make so many embarassing Twitter comments. 

People are noting the hypocrisy of Evangelicals supporting Trump so much when they turned  on Bill Clinton, and Bill Clinton knew it was "Second Corinthians" instead of "Two Corinthians".

Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky was an affair between a superior and a subordinate.  The Trump/Daniels affair was a consensual sexual relationship between two gross individuals. Besides, Trump wasn't President then, he was just another jerk with a TV show.

It doesn't make the affair right or excusable. It is just makes it irrelevant.

Look, everybody, even squirrelly little Robert Jeffress pastor of The First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas, knows, Trump is a major leauge sinner, bigly.  It is all part of the Trump experience, like the granite marble tops in the bathrooms of his hotels.

During oral arugments of Obergefell vs Hodges, Donald B. Verrill, Jr, The Solicitor General said that churches and religious affliated universities would lose their tax-exempt status if they opposed same-sex marriage.  Hillary Clinton declared "religious beliefs have to be changed". Guess whose religious beliefs would have to change?

With a choice between Clinton and Trump, Evangelicals held their nose and voted for Trump. Marc Theissen of The Washington Post says, "No one upholds Trump as moral exemplar. He is not the most religious president we have ever had, but he may be the most pro-religion president. Christian conservatives are judging Trump not by his faith, but by his works. And when it comes to life and liberty, his works are good."

I don't see a split between Evangelicals and Donald Trump. Unless, of course, he signs an Executive Order outlawing Hobby Lobby and Chick-Fil-A.   He would have some problems then.

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