Sunday, May 2, 2021

Meditations At The End Of The Emergency


 Since nobody else is going to say it, I will.

It is over, guys.  The Covid Emergency in the United States is over.

We were assigned the task of flattening the curve. Well, we took that curve and stomped that sucker flat.

We are going to have to shout that the pandemic is over because Lord knows nobody else will.

Just this past week, The CDC graciously lifted the guidelines of wearing masks outside.  President Sominex held a special event on the White House grounds to announce that we could go naked face if we were outside.

Of course, he walked to the podium wearing a mask. This after being vaccinated and being in no danger of giving or getting Covid.  Last week, he met with the Prime Minister of Japan, and he wore a double mask. Everybody in the room was vaccinated.

The double mask was the last of Fauci’s greatest hits.  He told us that wearing two masks would give us more protection than wearing one.  Why not three? Wouldn’t that be better than two?

Like The Edsel and New Coke, double masks didn’t catch on, mainly because it was stupid no matter how well-intentioned.

Unlike some folks in my tribe, I do not doubt that Fauci was sincere during the pandemic.  I don’t think he created Covid so he could inject people with a tracking device that would let the Anti-Christ know where they are at.

(However, I will say that if you think the vaccine will plant a tracking device in you, you should probably not get the vaccine. You have other pressing issues to take care of.)

While I’m talking about vaccines, can we just give one high five to the former President?

I am the first to admit that President Orange is a world-class (word that rhymes with “gas pole”) and spent way too much of his time trying to prove how tough he was.   However, he did push and fast track the vaccines.

Kyle Wilson of The National Review said, “Last March 5, nine and a half months before FDA approval of the first shot, Trump asked his experts whether we might see a vaccine “within a few months,” and Anthony Fauci instantly corrected him: “A year to a year and a half.” When Trump said in August that he was hopeful we’d see a vaccine by November — it would be November 20 that Pfizer submitted its data to the FDA to request emergency approval — CNN got so far over its skis that it actually ran a bizarre Fact Check of the Future upbraiding the President, pointing out that the obviously irrefutable and always-correct super-duper expert Fauci was still insisting the vaccine “would likely not be available widely until ‘several months’ into 2021.” Say it with me in Trump voice, friends: WRONG.”

The administration has been all over the place when it has come to the vaccine.  They have urged everybody to get one, which is good. But then the President, Press Secretary Red, and Fauci trot out and tell us that we still have to wear our masks and social distance and wash our hands while singing “In A Gadda Da Vida" because there may be a variant out there so life isn't going to go back to 2019 until we give the all clear.

Then they look around and wonder why there is vaccination hesitancy.

Things are beginning to open up. Next week, the Braves will allow full capacity at their games. Concerts are slowly coming back. People are still wearing their masks in Target, but you can tell it is not a sincere. Plus, a lot of people never got the memo that the mask is supposed to go over your nose.

The President needs to go on TV, and instead of urging patience, he should declare victory.  Maybe he could propose we spend another Trillion dollars on a new project like light rails which always fills a Democrat's heart full of joy.


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