Now we are finally getting to the good stuff.
The Presidential Primary season is just about ready to get underway with the Iowa Caucuses. Can't you feel the excitement! Wait come back here!
I'm not quite sure how the Iowa Caucuses work and I don't think they've really helped any candidates to the nomination since Jimmy Carter figured out how to goose the process to get him into the news way back in 1976. Since then the politicians and news people have been schlepping up to Iowa every four years. Thanks a lot, Jimmy.
The Democratic Party held a debate last week and I've come to an unavoidable conclusion. Elizabeth Warren is a lying skunk. She lies, lies, lies, lies. She lies like a rug. She's a Fibber McGee, Molly.
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Hopefully, you'll caught the reference |
Of course all politicians lie. Some make promises which they know they can't keep. "Read my lips, no new taxes". "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor". "Mexico will pay for the wall". Lying is just a way to get what they want, i.e. your vote. You can argue that when they said things like "Read my lips" they actually believed there would be no new taxes but that things have changed and we need new taxes. I tend to be more cynical. They know what they are saying and they know it isn't true.
Some are really good at it, like Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton turned lying into performance art. He could lie and gaslight too, at the same time. The man was a master.
My favorite lie of all time was when he pointed his crooked index finger at us and said, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." He was in his "How Dare You" mode, which was always my favorite President Bill mode. How dare you think I had sex with this woman when I have this hot mess of babe as a wife.
Now wifey Clinton not so much. I mean, she's an All-Star skunk too. She could tell some whoppers, but they never made sense. A file just "happens" to show up. A YouTube video causes radicals to storm an embassy. "Lots" of people have been telling her to run again.
Last week, the Warren Campaign told the press that in a meeting in 2018 with fellow candidate Bernie Sanders, Sanders told her that a woman could not be elected President. Which is heresy, Democratic Party style. It is almost as bad as saying you believe in the second amendment or that a fetus is a human being.
Two people were supposedly in the room for this conversation. Warren and Sanders. Sanders denies ever saying it. I believe Sanders.
One, Sanders is the most liberal man ever to run for President of the United States and his campaign is ground zero for all of the woke Twitter universe. Yes, this man is a Brooklyn version of Donald Trump.
Two, as I said above, Warren lies. She'll lie to get a leg up on any competition.
She lied about her "heritage" as a Native American. Why? Because it gave her a leg up on all of her competition in the Academic community. She lied about being fired when she was pregnant. She lied about sending her kids to public schools. It goes on and on.
She needs to get some separation from Bernie in the "progressive" lane so she made up a "story" (as my mother would say) to get undecided progressives to think Bernie is some sort of icky conservative in disguise. You have to believe a woman.
She took a page from President Bill's gaslighting techniques by staging a stunt after the debate of telling Bernie that he called her a liar on national TV. (Of course, she's calling him a liar too, but whatever.)
Before you say it, yes, I know Big Bad Orange Man lies too. But at least, he doesn't go around acting like Saint Liz The Librarian.
My mother used to say when somebody was caught in a lie, "if I loved a liar, I'd hug your neck". We all could hug Senator Warren's neck.