Since our current President is REALLY into Twitter--here are some tweets from the 44 (really 43) before President Trump
George Washington: "Martha said I was rockin' the wooden teeth! Yeah, come on!"
John Adams: "You sux, @bigthomjefferson76".
Thomas Jefferson: "15 million for Louisiana? Really?!"
James Madison: "My wife makes the best cupcakes!"
James Monroe: "Hmmm, I'm pretty sure the other four don't have a doctrine named after him. Just saying."
John Quincy Adams: "I wish I had a better initial besides Q. Something like W would be awesome".
Andrew Jackson: "I kilt fiddy men"
Martin Van Buren: "I have the coolest sideburns of all of them- including @ChesterAlanArthur."
William Henry Harrison: "I've got a great idea: why don't I give a very long speech on a cold and wet day? It's not like I'm going to get sick or anything."
John Tyler: "I still have grandchildren alive in 2018. For reals".
James Polk: "Call me President Mullet".
Zachary Taylor: "Wait. Does anyone know the difference between the symptoms of cholera and aresenic poisoning? Just asking."
Millard Fillmore: "Oh yeah?! How many of you have ever been President of The United States?"
Franklin Pierce: "Could I have been a worse President?"
James Buchanan: "Welp, I've done nothing to prevent The Civil War. I guess this isn't the right time to announce I'm gay".
Abraham Lincoln: "Wow, I feel great now that The Civil War has ended. I think me and my gal pal will take in a play!"
Andrew Johnson: "I've got this great idea: Let's get impeached!"
Ulysses S. Grant: "Guess where I am buried."
Rutherford B. Hayes: "I am the Duck Dynasty President!"
James Garfield: "Hey, let's go down to the train station and see if there are some disappointed office seekers."
Chester Alan Arthur: "I pronounce 'Alan' as "Alon", because I'm a dandy with great sideburns!"
Grover Clevland: "It is easy to get young chicks when you are The President".
Benjamin Harrison: "I stayed alive for all of my administration unlike a certain grandfather of mine."
Grover Cleveland: "Back again. Did you miss me? What do you mean no?"
William McKinley: "Yeah, I'll go to Buffalo. What's the worst that could happen?"
Theodore Roosevelt: "Let you in on a little secret-I don't even know what 'bully' means."
William Howard Taft: "I'm just big boned! Stop fat shaming me!"
Woodrow Wilson: "I have this real progressive idea: racism!"
Warren G. Harding: "I did things in The Oval Office that Bill Clinton could only dream of."
Calvin Coolidge: "I was just as exciting as I looked".
Herbert Hoover: "I am going to punch the next person who says I invented the vaccum cleaner because I sucked".
Franklin Delno Roosevelt: "I'm going to roll into The Oval Office and stay for a long time. Roll! Did you get it? Man, I am great."
Harry S. Truman: "You'd act like a crazy man too if your middle name was S."
Dwight Eisenhower: "Sorry about Nixon. He had a great resume."
John Kennedy: "Sure, put the top down. What could it hurt?
Lyndon Johnson: "An undeclared ground war against guerilla forces in a far off Asian country? Count me in!"
Richard Nixon: "<expletive deleted> I should have burned those <expletive deleted> tapes. Ah <expletive>"
Gerald Ford: "Chevy Chase is a very funny suburb."
Jimmy Carter: "I'm going to declare a Moral Equivalence of War on The Energy Crisis and I urge your support by tweeting this: #MEOW."
Ronald Reagan: "Sell arms to Iran for hostages? Why not?"
George H. W. Bush: "I hate being the least popular Bush".
Bill Clinton: "#Monica was worth every article of impeachment!"
George W. Bush: "Hold my beer, Dad".
Barack Obama: "If you liked your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Yeah, I had a hard time keeping a straight face on that one, tbh."